
How to solve “Too many users logged-in to the system. Please try again later.”

如何處理 用戶登錄人收已達上限,請稍後再試。



Make sure you have completed following session(s)



l   N/A 沒有



Problem 問題


When user login to the system, after entering username and password, a message box “Too many users logged-in to the system. Please try again later” show up and failed to login to the system.

在登入系統時,當使用者輸入使用者名稱及密碼後,系統跳出 用戶登人收已達上限,請稍後再試。結果沒法登入系統。



Cause(s) 原因


1          The number of logged-in user already reached the number of purchased user license(s), therefore no more user can login to the system until at least 1 user logout the system.



2          Some user licenses may be “locked” by abnormal system closed, for example, when…



2.1         Microsoft Windows hanged and rebooted before user logout the system.

        用戶在未登出本系統前,Microsoft Windows當機並重啟。


2.2         User thought the system is hanged and no responded (Normally, the system is not hang but the system takes time to process the request) and killed the system by Task Manager.

        用戶以為本系統當機及沒有回應(一般來說, 系統並非真的當機, 而是處理中),於是在 工作管理員中強制關閉系統。


2.3         System closed due to some unexpected error.




Solution(s) 解決方案




1.      Check the message and find out which user(s) occupied the user licenses.

查看那些用戶正在佔用 使用者認證




2.     Ask those user(s) if they are actually logged to the system or above mentioned abnormal scenario happened

詢問那些用戶是否正在使用本系統, 或者是否曾發生過上述提及的不正常關閉系情況


3.     If they are really using the system, please wait for someone to logout. You may consider to buy more concurrent user licenses as well, so that more users can login to the system at the same time.

如果那些用戶真的正在使用系統, 請等待某用戶登出. 你亦可考慮購買更多的 使用者認證以便更多的使用者能同時使用本系統。


4.     If some of the listed users are NOT actually using the system, please ask system administrator to force release the unused user licenses. For details, please see:

如果某些用戶當下並沒有使用本系統,請找本系統的管理者根據以下方法釋放個別被佔用的 使用者認證


Force User Logout


5.     If still not work, RESET all user licenses by following below instructions:

如果還是沒法解決問題,請根據以下方法重置所有 使用者認證


How to reset system dongle





See also

System Login