
Company Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   None


Enter Company Group Information

Enter general information of your Company or Companies Group (if you have more than 1 company) here for record and reporting.



1.       Select the Group Information from the main screen setup menu



2.      Enter the group information



3.      Click the [OK] button to save the record



Add a new Company

A “Company” here refer to a real company which has unique Business Registration Number (i.e. BR no.), bank account, Tax file, and MPF account. When you are entering Employee employment information, you have to choose which company is employing the staff. Therefore, if you have more than 1 company, you should repeat following steps to create all companies one by one.



1.        Click the [Company Setup] button from the main screen toolbar




2.        Enter the company information in “General” tab



If you already have one or more company record in the program. Remember to click the [ New ] button before enter company information



3.      If you have Autopay file export module, enter bank account number in Bank A/Ctab by clicking the [New] button, Enter the bank account name. Then click the [OK] button. (Multi bank accounts are supported)




4.       If you have Taxation module, enter tax information in IR56tab.




5.      If you have MPF Export module, select MPF Provider(s) and enter scheme number in MPFtab. You may set 1 or max. 2 MPF provider for a single company. If you have set 2 MPF Providers, you have to help each employee in this company to choose which MPF Provider he/she preferred. Besides of do it employee by employee, you can also batch update MPF provider for multiple employees in Commander




6.      Click the [Update] button to save the changes



7.      Click the [Yes] button to confirm changes




8.      Now, a new company with a default department ( i.e. New ) will be created. You may find it in the department tree after saved.



9.      To create new department to the company, please refer to user manual: Department Setup


Delete a Company

Normally, you are not suggested to delete a company unless it is a mistake entry. If you are really want to delete a Company, make sure no any Departments and Employees (i.e. including resigned staffs) are under this company or otherwise delete failed.



1.      Select the company that you are going to delete. E.g. To delete Demo Company




2.      Click the [Delete] button to delete the company




3.       Click the [Yes] button to confirm delete




See also