
Allowance Type Setup

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Allowance Type is a type defined for salary allowance calculation. There are 2 approach to calculate salary allowance: (1) Fixed rate allowance (2) Fixed amount allowance.


Fixed rate allowance

This approach is suitable for the allowance which amount is not fixed but calculated by a defined formula. For example, “typhoon allowance”, a special allowance will be entitled if the employee works during typhoon. The calculation formula may be something like this :


Total working minutes under typhoon” x “Average salary per minute” x “1.5”


Above formula can be setup in payroll formula module. To capture the “Total working minutes under typhoon”, an Allowance Type has to be created for this with enabled the “counting” option. All Allowance Types with “counting” option enabled will be shown in “Payroll formula item > (2142) Attendance Allowance”



Fixed amount allowance

This approach is suitable for the regular (i.e. monthly) allowance which is fixed in amount, for example, housing allowance. This allowance will be paid for every payroll cycle. The allowance amount is fixed and input by the user directly. An Allowance Type with enabled the “input amount” option should be created. All Allowance Types with “input amount” option enabled with be shown in “Employee > Salary Setup”





An Allowance Type can be enabled with above 2 options at the same time. For example, “Transportation allowance” may be entitled by month and under some kind of situations within the same payroll cycle.




Please follow below steps to setup the allowance type



1.       Click the [Item Record] from the main screen toolbar



2.       Select [Allowance Type Setup] from the menu


3.       Click the [New] button to create a new Allowance Type.


4.       Enter the details of the Allowance Type, including


Data Field




The name of the Allowance Type

“Housing Allowance”, “Typhoon Allowance”, “Transportation allowance”

Enable couting allowance in attendance module

The option for calculate allowance by fixed rate. See the explanation above.

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Enable input allowance amount for staff in salary setup

The option for calculate allowance by fixed amount. See the explanation above.

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5.       Click the [Update] button to save changes.


6.       Finished. Repeat steps 3-5 to create another Allowance Type.




See also

Special Situation Type Setup

Payroll-General Formula Setup