ecTA / ecPayroll (3.0,
3.2,4.0, 5.0,
Copyright (c) 1999-2022 Forward Technology Company. All rights reserved.
ecTA / ecPayroll is an business application system which
helps users to manage human resources (HR) related jobs in company. Such as
managing Employee Master, Leave management, time & attendance (TA) analysis,
Payroll & taxation processing, as well as door access control management.
The system is divided into Back-end
and Front-end.
System Back-end is the core of the system,
it is designed for admin users to manage the whole system and access all data,
with access right control. The system back-end is running on Windows platform, including
the database management (MSSQL Server), an automation sub-system(Windows-based),
and a main application program(Windows-based).
System Front-end is a web application
which is designed for other employees to access his/her own information, or
other’s if permission was granted. The system front-end is also divided into
ESS (Employee Self Service) and MSS (Management Self Service). ESS is designed
for the general staffs to manage his/her own data, submit different kind of
application forms, and doing some tasks about himself/herself only. MSS is
designed for managers to manage their departments, or teams. Viewing reports,
and making approval of different kinds of applications.
Both system front-end and back-end
can be access by desktop, tablet, or smart phone. Accessibility depends on the
server settings that is controlled by customer.
On the whole, ecTA /
ecPayroll is designed to work together with hardware devices such as smart card reader, fingerprint reader,
hand-shape reader and even face recognition reader to form a Human Resources
Management System (HRMS).
By comparing between the punch card
data transferred from the device and the user defined shift duty roster, ecTA
/ ecPayroll generates results of time attendance such as
lateness, early
leave, over time, absence, working hour, etc. The related attendance data then
feed into payroll module automatically for salary calculation, bank autopay,
and taxation.
For more information, please visit
our website