
Payroll - General Formula Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   Payroll Item Setup


General formula setup is defined by User, it is very flexible and powerful for calculating payroll. There are seven categories: General items, Arithmetic items, Personal items, time attendance items, Leave & Holiday items, Salary items, and Customized variables.


l   General Item includes some basic variables such as fix number, turnover etc.

l   Arithmetic Item provides general calculation methods such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, conditional logic (such as >, >=, <, <=, <>), etc.

l   Personal Item provides information about all employees, such as one-off payment, service days/years, etc.

l   Attendance Item includes all time-related information such as overtime, lateness, working hours/minutes, etc

l   Holiday Item includes all leave & holiday information such as leave taken days, leave balance, leave adjustment, etc.

l   Salary Item includes basic salaryallowanceaverage salary, and more

l   Custom variables are some global variables defined by user that value may be changed e.g. currency rate, bonus ratio, .


A formula is consist by above items in a tree map. See an example below


General Formula-example 1


We strongly recommend that you write down your formula on a paper before setting it up in the system.




1.          Select a category on the left, the corresponding items will be shown on the right.





2.          Select which item you want to use on the right.







Please check below user manual for available items:


 Payroll Formula item List





3.          Click on the item, and the details will be shown in the bottom window. One or more sub-items may be shown in the details window. If you find some text in red that means that the sub-item is not yet defined well.

點擊該項目,詳細信息將顯示在底部窗口中。 詳細信息窗口中可能會顯示一個或多個子項目。 如果你發現某些文字以紅色顯示,則表示該子項目尚未定義好。







If you have already copied the content from another node, you may press [ Paste ] button here to paste the same content in current node. After that, you can still change the content as usual.


如果你已經從另一個節點複製了內容,你可以按此處的 [ 貼上 ] 按鈕,將相同的內容貼上到當前節點。之後,你仍然可以照常更改內容。





4.          Click on the sub-item to open another item menu to define how it calculates. Click the [OK] button to return to the last window. If the colour of the sub-item turns blue, that means it is well defined now.

點擊子項目以打開另一個項目菜單以定義其計算方式。 點擊 [確定] 按鈕返回到上一個窗口。 如果子項目的顏色變為藍色,則表示現在已定義好。




5.          Make sure all sub-items are blue to ensure the formula is defined correctly.









Once you have finished defining the formula, you can press the [ Copy ] button to copy the content to memory and paste it to other nodes when necessary.


一旦你完成公式的定義,你就可以按 [ 複製 ] 按鈕將內容複製到內存,並在需要時粘貼到其他節點。




6.          Click [OK] to return to the Salary Profile Setup screen.

點擊 [確定] 返回到薪資設定畫面。




See also

Employee Record - Basic Salary