
Restore User Templates to Device(s)


Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is a User Template?

l   Backup User Templates from Device

l   Add a User Template in software

l   Delete a User Template in software

l   Update a User Template in software



Restore User Template to Device means transferring the User Template(s) from software database to the selected Time Clock Device(s). There are some situations we may need to restore user templates from software to the device(s):


1.          A new installed device which has no any user information. Before users can clock IN/OUT on the device, we need to transfer the User Template list from the server to the new devices so that the device can recognize users by checking the card number or fingerprint.


2.          New users are enrolled on one device and need to be synchronised to other installed devices, so that those new users can clock IN/OUT at not only the original enrolment device but all other device(s). Before this, we need to download the latest user template list from the enrolment device and stored in server database. To learn more, please refer to Backup User Templates from Device


3.          One or more users’ information are added / changed / deleted directly from the software and need to update to the device(s) to take effect. To learn more about how to prepare the Template record, please refer to Add a User Template in software , Update a User Template in software & Delete a User Template in software






If you have multi devices installed. You are suggested to use only one particular device as a master enrollment unit to do all user enrollments. So that you can manage user templates easily by simply transfer all user templates from master unit to all other devices.



1.          Click the [ Device Management ] button from the main screen toolbar




2.          Select the device(s) to be restored (e.g. Site8). Multi-select is allowed.




3.          Click the [ Restore Template ] button




4.          Select the Restore Template Mode :



When to use



Full Restore


A new installed device which has no any user information. Before users can clock IN/OUT on the device, we need to transfer the User Template list from the server to the new devices so that the machine can recognize users by checking the card number or fingerprint.


1.      Make sure you have a complete User Template List in the software. For details, please check View User Template list stored in software



All existing User Templates (if any) stored in the selected device(s) will be DELETED before restore process.


2.      Click the [ Full Restore ] button to start running



DO NOT shut down the software or the device(s) until the restore process completed.




Partial Restore


One or more users’ information are added from the software and need to transfer to the selected device(s).


1.      Make sure you have a complete User Template List in the software. For details, please check View User Template list stored in software


2.      Click the [ Partial Restore ] button to start running.



DO NOT shut down the software or the device(s) until the restore process completed.




Restore selected user(s) only


One or more users’ information are changed and need to transfer to the device(s).


1. Select the user template(s) to be restored (e.g. User: 123)


2. Click the [ Restore Template ] button to start running



DO NOT shut down the software or the device(s) until the restore process completed.





5.          The restoration result will be shown on the communication log after process completed.




See also

What is a User Template?

Backup User Templates from Device(s)

View User Template list stored in software

Add a User Template in software

Delete a User Template in software

Update a User Template in software