Analyze Transaction Data

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l            Assign Card (PIN) number to an employee

l            Download Transaction Data

l            Timetable Setup


When the punch card record downloads from the card reader, you need analyze the punch card information for the timetable, so you can get the attendance result. Every time change the timetable setting, duty setting, group duty setting or card number setting, you also need to re-analysis the relevant date and employee, so that the attendance result can be updated.



1.          System provides two way for analyze transaction data : Analyze manually by user & Analyze automatically by system schedule.


2.          For analyze manually by user, please refer Timetable Setup, and right click attendance result, then select Re-analyze this day OR Re-analyze period.


3.          For analyze automatically by system, please refer Automation Server Module Setup, and then follow the instruction to create an schedule task for analyze attendance result.


*** Attention: The length of time for analysis depends on the number of selected employees & the date range ***



See also

View attendance Result