
Detach MSSQL Database


1.      Before detach ecTA / ecPayroll database, please make sure no one using ecTA / ecPayroll & any related module at the same time.

2.      After detach ecTA / ecPayroll database, ecTA / ecPayroll will stop working. Please ask for the system manager first. Mostly, only doing database server migration will detach database


Make sure you have completed following session(s)

-          None 


1.          On database server, Open [Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio] and login to the SQL server


2.          Under [Databases], you will able to see [TAMS] & [TAMS_SYSTEM], these two database are the ecTA / ecPayroll Database.


3.          Check the exact file path by right click the database > [properties] > [Files]


4.          After checking the file path, return to the SQL Server Management Studio main screen. Detach the database by right click the database > [Tasks] > [Detach]

5.          Select [Drop Connections] , [Update Statistics] & [Keep Full Text Catalogs], then press [OK]


P.S.: Now you can copy the database file from the exact file path. There are 2 files for 1 database (e.g. TAMS.mdf & TAMS.ldf)


See also

Reinstall MSSQL Database (only suitable for SQL database upgraded module)

Install MSSQL Database (only suitable for SQL database upgraded module)