
What is One-off Payment


One-off Payment” is refer to some salary payments which amount is not fixed and it will be paid once only in the corresponding pay period.



User can define different types of “One-off payment” such as “Bonus”, “Commission”, “Adjustment”, etc.



Expenses Claim Applications

Besides of manual input one-off payment records, the approved expenses claim applications from ESS/MSS will also be managed as one-off payment records. When approver approves an Expenses claim application, it will be converted and saved as a one-off payment record automatically. So that the claims can be compensated as a salary item with preset payroll formula.


Similarly, user can define different types for Expenses claim apply, common types such as “Transportation”, “Meal allowance”, “Stationary”, etc.



Why input One-off Payment records by manual


There are 2 reasons to input “One-off Payment” records:


1.      To record the payment details with Employee, Date, Amount, Type and Remark

2.      To calculate salary by setting payroll formula



How to input One-off Payment records by manual


There are 3 ways to input one-off payment records:







Input one-off payment record to employee

View / Add / Delete payment records of a particular employee within a selected period.

TAMS > Main menu > Employee > One-off payment rec’


Batch input one-off payment records

View / Add / Delete payment records of selected employees as at a particular date.

TAMS > Main menu > Toolbar > One-off payment rec’


Import one-off payment records to the software (List format)

Add multiple payment records with specified Employee and Date by importing from MS EXCEL file.

TAMS > Mani menu > File > Data Import > Employee One-off Payment Records


Import one-off payment records to the software (Table format)

Add multiple payment records with specified Employee and Date by importing from MS EXCEL file.

TAMS > Mani menu > File > Data Import > One-off payment record table





See also

One-off Payment Record Setup