
FAQ – How to solve “System library files loading error (KB:140)”

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   None





The system DLL were changed, however your PC not yet register them.



Please register system DLL by below steps:


1.          Open Microsoft "Task Manager"





There are several ways to open “Task Manager”, different windows version may have different methods to open it, too. Below are some methods for reference: 


e.g.1 Search "Task Manager" under "Search Bar"


e.g. 2 Click “Alt” + “Ctrl” + “Del” at the same time and select “Task Manager”







2.          Under the "Processes" tab, find the "TAMS32.exe"



3.          Right Click the "TAMS32.exe", select “End Process” / "End Task"



4.          Go back to your desktop and find the "ecPayroll" shortcut



5.          Right Click the "ecPayroll" shortcut and select "Open File Location"



6.          Find "FTREGDLL.exe" inside the popup folder



7.          Right Click "FTREGDLL.exe" and select "Run as administrator"



8.          The "FTREGDLL.exe" will start register system DLL, wait for the register success and complete.



9.          Finished, try run the "ecPayroll" by double click the shortcut again.






If above procedure cannot solve the problem, please contact our technical support for advice:


email: [email protected]

WhatsApp: 5515 1570

Phone: 3188 9950




See also