
Prepare Employee’s Duty Roster in Excel

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   None


With this function, user can prepare employee’s roster with our standard template. Then import it to the ecTA / ecPayroll system.



1.          Find the Roster Import template file (i.e. Excel template) in “\\[ Your server]\TAMS\Template\Report\Import\RosterImport(Template).xlt, or somewhere your customized template file placed.


2.          Simply double-click on the file to open it. DO NOT open it by mouse right-click or otherwise you are not using the template but editing the template.


Oval Callout: Double-clickimage010



3.          Enter the content of the roster table



1.    Enter [Year] of the roster


2.    Enter [Month] of the roster


3.    Enter [Day] of the roster, maximum 31 days and must be entered consecutively


4.    Enter [Employee ID] to be import. 1 row for 1 employee. If you are using version 5.1.160502 or older versions, a “***” must be entered in the last row to indicate this is the end of the staff list. Noted that if the file is going to be imported through “Retail Web module”, only 1 shop / department should be entered in 1 Excel file.


5.    Enter [Shift Code / Leave Code]. For the input format, please refer to section “Roster Command”.



Empty means “clear”. All existing roster in empty cells will be deleted after import. (Except those shifts are defined in Duty Group)


4.          Save the file and ready for import to the system



See also

Back-end - Import Employee’s Roster (By Excel)

Front-end - Import Employee’s Roster (By Excel)