
Import Employee Master Records to the software

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   Company Setup

l   Department Setup

l   Leave Entitle Plan Setup

l   Duty Group Setup



This topic will walk you through how to batch import employee master records from Excel file to the system.



1          Prepare data to be imported

1.1         Open the Excel template file. You should find the template in the folder path as shown below :


\\[ Your server]\TAMS\Template\Import\EmployeeMasterImport.xlt





You may copy the Excel template file to another folder where easy to open.




1.2         Fill in the data to be imported. Please follow the instructions shown in the table header.




1.3         Save the file to a particular folder and ready for import.




You may save the file with a meaningful name so that you can find it easily.

E.g. EmployeeMasterImport20190905.xls




2          Import the Employee master records to the system


2.1         Select the “Data Import” function from the main screen “File” option


2.2         Select the “Employee Master” from the pull down menu



2.3         Click the [  ] button to browse the EXCEL file prepared in step 1



2.4         Click the [ Start Import ] button to start import and wait until completed.





During data import, if any invalid data found, ALL data in the file will be rejected. User has to correct the mistake in Excel file and then re-import the whole file again until success.



2.5         “ Import completed “ message will be shown after import successfully



Do NOT import the same Excel file more than 1 time to prevent duplicate records



3          View and check the imported data

3.1         Please refer to the manual “View / Edit Employee Record



See also

Import Employee Education

Import Employee Working Experience