
Appraisal Rating Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   What is Appraisal Form

l   Appraisal Form Setup

l   Appraisal Item Setup





Once the Appraisal Form had used, the settings of the form including the related Items and Ratings should NOT be changed or otherwise the previous records are affected.





If there are some changes to be made and the Form had already used, you should create another new Form with a meaningful name such as “Form A 2018” in order to distinguish with the old one.



More than 1 Appraisal Rating can be created for 1 Appraisal Form. Please follow below steps:



1.       Click the [Item Record] from the main screen toolbar



2.       Select the [Appraisal Rating Setup] from the menu



3.       Click the [new] button to add a new appraisal rating. (Skip this step if no any appraisal rating in the system before)



4.       Enter the details of the rating, including


Data Field



Rating Code

The input code of the rating. This code let user input quickly by simply pressing the key.


For example, you may simply press “E” to jump to the rating which is starting with “E” like “EX”, which may stand for “Excellent”. If you define the code as “5-EX”, then you can press “5” to jump to this rating where “5” may stand for 5 score.

“EX”, “5”, “5 – EX”

Rating Description

The name of the rating.

“Excellent”, “Good”, ”Average”, “Fair”, “Poor”


The point gained for this rate. The value should be an integer.

1, 2, 10

Apply to > Form

To tell which Form will showing this Rating.

Form A

Apply to > Sequence

To define the order of showing this rating in the selected Form.


The ratings will be shown in ascending order.


Normally, the sequence should be “1”, “2”, “3”, … however, sometimes if you want to insert a new Rating in between, you may input “1.5” in this field so that the rating sequence becomes “1”, “1.5”, “2”, “3”, …


“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”,“1.5”



5.       Click the [Update] button to save changes.



6.       Finished. Repeat steps 3-5 to create another Rating.



See also

Appraisal Item Setup