
User Group Setup

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   None


What is a User Group

A “User Group” is a grouping of system back-end (i.e. TAMS) users who have same set of access rights in the system. For example, you may have a group called, say “HR clerks” that are granted “Read-only” rights to view employee records but not editing, while you may have another group called “HR senior” who are granted both “Read & Write” access right to update employee records. There are no limit on how many User Groups can be created that means you can create several User Groups based on your company user roles. Common group names such as “HR admin”, “Accounts”, “System admin”, etc.


Why User Group

“User Group” is useful especially when you have multi users who have the same set of access rights. You don’t need to define the access rights by each user, instead do it in a User Group and then assign to the user. Once you have created “User Group”, you can then create “User account” and assign a “User Group” to that user, so that the user granted all the access rights defined in such “User Group”.


Add new User Group

Please follow below steps to create a new User Group:



1          Click the [User Setup] from the main menu.



2          User Manager is opened.



3          Click the [New] button to create a new User Group



4          Enter the Group Name, Remark and the access right of each item in the list accordingly.

4.1         The “Group Name” is just a name for easy reference. Common names such as “HR Admin”, “System Admin”, etc.

4.2         The “Remark” field is optional. You may leave it blank or any text describing the group (e.g. “Check attendance only, cannot view salary”).

4.3         Access control list contains access items depends on what modules purchased. You can change the settings by simply double-click on each item, or pressing space bar directly. For complete list of each access item, please refer to “Access Right Item List


5          If required, you may click the [Enable ALL] button to enable all items, or [Disable ALL] to disable all items.



6          Click the [OK] button to save changes.



Update an existing User Group


1          Double click on the user group that you are going to edit. E.g. demo



2          Change the settings you want as described in above section – Add new User Group.



3          Click the [OK] button to save changes.



Delete a User Group

Normally you don’t need to delete User Group unless there are some input mistake.


1          Before delete an existing User Group, make sure no any User was assigned to this group.



2          Select a user group that you are going to delete. E.g System Admin



3          Click the [Delete] icon to delete.



4          Click the [Yes] button to confirm delete.




See also  

User Setup

Access Right Item List