
Customize your own payslip template

Make sure you have completed following session(s)

l   Create a Salary Profile


What is a “Payslip”

A “Payslip” (or “Wages list”, “Pay advice”, “Pay stub”) is a document provided by employer to employees, showing the salary calculation details for a particular pay period. In employee point of view, “payslip” is useful as a proof of income as well as a reference document for filling tax form. In employer point of view, it is also a proof of paying salary and showing how to calculate the salary amount in order to avoid argument. Besides of salary components, other information such as Annual leave balance, year of services, MPF contribution details… can also be shown in the payslip.


In ecPayroll system, the payslip can be generated in several ways as below:

1.          Export to MS EXCEL as a file

2.          Print to a A4 paper through printer

3.          Print to a pre-printed, NCR, 2 or 3 ply copy paper through dot matrix printer 

4.          Send to employees through email.


Actually, user can customize his/her own payslip by changing the font size, font style, adding a company logo, adding some wordings, adding some signature space, or even add/remove salary items. Now, in below example, I am going to demonstrate how to design my own payslip template and apply to a particular group of employees.




1          Find and open the standard payslip template file


1.1         Right click the program shortcut from your desktop, then select “Properties”



1.2         Click the [Open File Location] / [Find Target] button to access the program folder.



1.3         Go to the Template\Report\ folder, then find the Excel template file “r1012_WagesList_standard_en.xlt” in the folder.



1.4         Open the Excel template by mouse right-click and then select “Open”. Do not open the file by mouse double-click or otherwise you cannot edit the template.



1.5         Click “File > Save as” to save the template in another filename, say, “MyCompanyPayslip.xlt”. Now you are ready to design your own payslip template by modify the standard one. Below is the sample of the standard payslip.






DO NOT open the template file by double-click in “File Explorer” or otherwise you are not “editing” the template file but only “using” the template file.


2          Understand the template file

2.1         Before we start changing the payslip template, we have to understand the how it works. Basically, there are 2 parts in the template: (1) the layout with fixed wordings, fixed title, fixed lines, and even fixed image. (2) The data areas defined in the Excel cells to tell the system where and what data should be inserted. Below image showing the layout part in blue while the data areas in red.





2.2         During payslip generation, the system will load the EXCEL template file with the fixed layout, and then process each data area one by one. For each data area, there is a “data identifier” which is stored as the name of a cell (or arrange of cells). You can find the corresponding “data identifier” by click on the cell and see the name field in top left hand corner. In below sample diagram, you can see the “data identifier” for the data area “Employee ID” is “salary_employee_no”. This telling the system to put the corresponding Employee ID in this cell. Click on the other data area cells and you will find the different “data identifier”.




2.3         In the template file, you will find 2 groups of data area “rows” that represents “header” and “footer” in different “section”. As this part is more advance and I am not going to explain in this chapter. Just leave it there and DO NOT REMOVE these rows or otherwise the payslip cannot be generated.



2.4         Moreover, the template should always be put in the first spreadsheet (i.e. Sheet1).


3          Changing fonts and text

3.1         Now, let’s try to change the title wordings, location, and font size. As it is belongs to the fixed layout, you may just edit as easy as normal excel operation.



4          Add a company logo

4.1         You may also add your company logo just like insert an image to the spreadsheet.





5          Remove some rows

5.1         Ok, for example, I don’t want to show “Join Date” in the pay slip. So I should remove the whole row include both fixed text and the data area. Please follow the steps below.

5.1.1   Mouse click on the row 16 to select the whole row.

5.1.2   Mouse right-click, and select “Delete”



5.1.3   Now, the row and the corresponding “data identifier” are removed. Removing “data identifier” is necessary or otherwise the “join date” will also be shown in your payslip even you have already deleted the text.








You may find all existing “data identifier” by click on the arrow in the cell name box.


5.2         Similarly, as I may not have so many salary items, and I just need to keep, say, 5 items. Therefore I can delete all exceed rows with same technic as shown above.


6          Save

6.1         That’s it. Now you should know how to add/change/delete text, changing font size, style, and colour, move the field position, as well as adding an image.

6.2         Press the [ Save ] button to save changes.

6.3         Finished editing the template. Close the Excel.


7          Apply to the “Salary Profile”

7.1         To make the new payslip template effective, you must apply it in one or more suitable “Salary Profile”. In other words, you may have different payslip template for each Salary Profile.

7.2         In “TAMS > Payroll Maintenance > Salary Profile”, open the “Salary Profile” that you want to apply the new payslip template.



7.3         In the field “Wage list template path”, select your new template file in the folder where you saved. In this example, the path should be “{application folder}\TAMS)\template\report\MyCompanyPayslip.xlt”.



7.4         Click the [ Save ] button to save changes.



7.5         Finished. Now, when you are generating payslips which corresponding salary records was generated from this Salary Profile, you will see the new payslip layout.





See also

Printing Payslip

Export Single Payslip

Sending Payslips by email